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Launch of the Veriseas App – 21/12/2023 post image

11 Sep

Launch of the Veriseas App – 21/12/2023

Veriseas app Launched for Seamless Shipping GHG Emissions Monitoring Plan Management
Paphos - Cyprus, 21st December 2023
We are thrilled to announce the official launch of the Veriseas app (, an application designed, developed & powered by Syndeseas Integrated Solutions Ltd, with a scope of supporting Ship Owners and Ship Management Companies draft, generate, manage and maintain their ship-specific GHG Emissions Monitoring Plans for seamless compliance with the upcoming regulatory requirements.
Navigating Tomorrow's Regulations Today:
As the Revised EU MRV Regulation (2023/957) and EU ETS Directive (2023/959) set sail on January 1, 2024, the Veriseas App emerges as a beacon of seamless compliance for Ship Owners and Ship Management Companies.
Unlike conventional Monitoring Plan Generators, Veriseas is an industry-first complete Monitoring Plan Management solution, simplifying the development, updates, and maintenance of any ship's EU MRV Monitoring Plan.
Precision in Compliance:
Tailored to ensure seamless regulatory compliance in terms of EU MRV Monitoring Plan development, assessment and maintenance, Veriseas aligns with:
> the Revised EU MRV Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2023/957)
> the relevant (Draft) Implementing Regulation
> the EU ETS Directive (Directive (EU) 2023/959)
> the EMSA Thetis-MRV New Schema (XML Files) for MP bulk uploads (as updated from time to time)
Developed in compliance with the Draft Implementing Regulation, the Veriseas app conforms to Annex I - Template for monitoring plans as well as to EMSA Thetis-MRV platform’s latest updates and guidance on the new schema for the Monitoring Plan bulk download and uploads, ensuring a comprehensive and accurate representation of regulatory requirements.
Syndeseas Integrated Solutions Ltd takes pride in maintaining the app's compliance with evolving regulations and requirements, guaranteeing users an accurate representation of regulatory requirements and seamless utilization for uploading in the EMSA Thetis-MRV platform.
Maintaining an EU MRV Monitoring Plan and its full set of supporting evidence on the Veriseas app, ensures that any change/modification to regulatory requirements will be addressed seamlessly on an application level, so that Users have at any given time fully up to date and compliant EU MRV Monitoring Plan for each of their vessels.
Holistic Compliance Approach:
Veriseas doesn't stop at Monitoring Plan generation which has been the industry norm so far; it advances further to facilitate integrated maintenance of same, offering a holistic approach to compliance.
This holistic compliance approach, empowers Syndeseas MRV Auditors as it enables pre-verification activities, ensuring a submission-ready EU MRV Monitoring Plan ahead of the launch of the relevant EMSA Thetis-MRV function for MP submission (anticipated by Mid-January, 2024).
Strategic Advantage in Tight Timeframes:
With a surge in compliance demands, a limited time frame for compliance (mid-January to 01st April 2024) and limited number of Verification Bodies to handle demand, Veriseas app emerges as a strategic solution.
Ship Owners and Ship Management Companies are encouraged to leverage this tool, creating their ship-specific EU MRV Monitoring Plans ahead of EMSA Thetis-MRV platform relevant function availability, positioning themselves and their ship-specific Monitoring Plans for priority assessments by their Independent Verification Bodies.
Noteworthy Features:
> Seamless Integration: Connect with any Verification Body for smooth plan submissions and integrate seamlessly with real-time operational performance monitoring software like Syndeseas 2.0 for total support in regulatory compliance throughout your compliance journey.
> XML Auto-Generation: Align with EMSA Thetis-MRV guidance as updated, facilitating instant Monitoring Plans batch uploads once the relevant function becomes available.
> Comprehensive Repository: Store past Monitoring Plan versions and maintain full set of supporting evidence for assessment and for future reference.
> Editable Monitoring Plans: Flexibility to make changes, whether reassessment is needed or not.
> Expert Assistance: Responsive and reliable support from Syndeseas MRV Auditors, every step of the way, from initial development and independent assessment, to post-assessment Monitoring Plan maintenance activities and to any aspect of the EU MRV and Shipping EU ETS regulatory process.
Your Path to Streamlined Compliance:
Embark on the Veriseas App for a streamlined, efficient, and compliant commencement of your voyage through the upcoming maritime environmental regulatory requirements.
Be at the forefront of compliance – sail confidently into the future.
The Syndeseas Team