Syndeseas Integrated Solutions Ltd is an innovative maritime technology company, formed by a team of Maritime Professionals (Naval Architects / Marine Surveyors, Mechanical / Environmental and Industrial Engineers) and IT Experts, all sharing a common view:
that our main responsibility as humans and as professionals, is to form part of the global efforts for facilitating the maritime industry’s contribution towards tackling man-made climate change and that we need to act now, to preserve our planet for us and future generations

Democratizing Digitalization in Shipping
Who We Are
Ships served by Syndeseas

Clients worldwide

Training participants

Organizations attended training

Our Services
Facilitating and enhancing compliance, for all involved parties (EU MRV, IMO DCS, UK MRV, EEXI, CII)
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Providing access to vital operational data & analytics, when they matter the most!
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Unlocking the benefits of Maritime Big Data, for more efficient operations
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Raising technical & environmental awareness. Promoting sustainability
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Sustainable Shipping, the maritime way
Transforming the maritime industry in pursue of a sustainable shipping, is a matter of levelling up the game for all maritime industry stakeholders -regardless of their individual available resources and infrastructure-. “The maritime way” concept, expresses our holistic approach towards generating meaningful impact on a global scale: By sharing our collective knowledge & experience and actively contributing in raising environmental awareness and technical capacity building at all levels, we help set the foundations for transformational change in shipping. By introducing our non-invasive, technology & procedures agnostic cloud based integrated solution for real time monitoring, reporting and advanced operational and environmental performance analytics, Syndeseas democratizes digitalization in Shipping, unlocking the benefits of maritime big data, for all maritime stakeholders. Care to find out more about the "maritime way" concept?

Strategic Cooperation Agreements
Generating meaningful impact in shipping, requires effective collaboration and combined efforts.
Through our established strategic cooperation agreements with organizations and institutions globally,
we aim to continuously improve and increase our capabilities and outreach on an international level.

Democratizing Digitalization in Shipping
Syndeseas is a solution designed and developed to address a specific need of the maritime industry as a whole: to facilitate and enhance the shipping sector’s contribution towards tackling climate change, through enhanced regulatory compliance and analytics driven actionable insights for ship performance optimization. Designed and developed by a diverse team of maritime professionals and IT experts to specifically serve that purpose, Syndeseas uniquely combines technical, maritime and environmental knowledge and experience, innovative tactics and advanced technology, thus being able to drive impactful transformation at relatively low cost, bringing the entire maritime industry on the same pace. Syndeseas is in fact a technology enabler, able to facilitate and enhance regulatory compliance and unlock the benefits of digitalization for all concerned parties, democratizing digitalization in shipping. Care to find out more on how we can better serve your organization’s needs?

Generating Meaningful Impact